
  • Lisa Fiedler*
  • Matthias Bernt**
  • Martin Middendorf*
* Department of Computer Science, Leipzig University
** Department Molecular Systems Biology, Environmental Research — UFZ
Corresponding paper of the DeGeCI software:
Fiedler L., Middendorf M. and Bernt M. (2023) Fully automated annotation of mitochondrial genomes using a cluster-based approach with de Bruijn graphs. Front. Genet. 14:1250907. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2023.1250907
Source code and installation instructions:
Crosslinks to related sites:
  • Genomes for the reference database are from the RefSeq data repository
  • The phylogenetic tree for the taxonomic filter is derived from the NCBI taxonomy database
  • There are various sites available for interactively exploring the produced bed file. Some examples are: